Narin Cinayeti Davasında Ara Karar: Sanıkların Tutukluluğu Devam Edece…
2025.03.09 14:38
Ben annemin telefonuyla oynuyordum. TUTUKLU ŞÜPHELİ 15 YAŞINDAKİ R.A. Tutuklu sanık itirafçı Nevzat Bahtiyar, Narin'i amcasının öldürdüğü, kendisinin de cesedi dere kenarına gizlediği iddiasını yineledi. Bahtiyar, "Doğrudur, eksik bir şey var mı hatırlamıyorum." cevabını verince mahkeme başkanı daha sonra cübbesini giydi. Salim Güran'ın dünkü duruşmada eskortlarla görüştüğünü dile getirmesinin ardından Melek Güran'a "Eşiniz sizi aldattığını bu salonda ikrar etti. Haberiniz var mı?" sorusu soruldu. Dosyada yer alan Salim Güran'ın jandarmayı yönlendirdiği iddialarına da yanır veren Melek Güran, böyle bir şeyin yaşanmadığını dile getirdi. Bu sırada söz alan Eski Diyarbakır Baro Başkanı Nahit Eren, Baran Güran'a soru sormaya başladı. Eski Diyarbakır Baro Başkanı Nahit Eren adli tıptan gelen son raporu açıklayarak Nevzat Bahtiyar'a çarpıcı sorular yöneltti. Dünkü duruşmaya 50'nin üzerinde baro başkanı katıldı. İkinci gün fenalaşarak hastaneye kaldırılan baba Arif Güran taburcu edildikten sonra adliyeye girerek üçüncü duruşmaya katıldı. Mahkemede, sanık amca Güran'ın Narin'in kaybolduğu gün telefonuyla yaptığı işlemler gündeme geldi. Ben annemin telefonuyla oynuyordum. Üvey annemin etrafında dolaştırıyorlar ben de üvey annemden dahi şüphelendim. Üfürükçü getirdiler onların evinin etrafında üfürükçü Nevzat'ın evinin orayı gösterdi
According to witnesses, as quoted in Armenian reports, in a three-day operation last December, Azerbaijani soldiers armed with sledgehammers obliterated the remnants of the Djulfa cemetery (known as Jugha in Armenian). He works closely with the Turkish Embassy in Baku. He set up the Union of Muslim Students (Müslüman Talebeler Birliği) and had served as the Caucasus representative of Turkish political Islam grassroots organization Milli Görüş (National View). While some Azerbaijanis have embraced their government’s vandalism as either righteous revenge or a national security measure against potential Armenian territorial claims, other Azerbaijanis - in addition to the humanist author Akram Aylisli - have mourned the destruction. But a newly released book reveals that Aylisli first protested the destruction in Nakhichevan nearly a decade earlier. The ambassador had intended to probe the reported destruction of thousands of historical Medieval Christian Armenian artworks and objects at the necropolis of Djulfa in Nakhichevan. Despite ample testimony to the contrary, Azerbaijan claims that Nakhichevan was never Armenian. However, for 11 days, Azerbaijan did not allow the problem to be assessed and repaired. Büyükfırat kept the phone conversation cryptic and If you loved this article and you would like to receive additional info regarding escort diyarbakır kindly go to the webpage. said he was involved in "major stuff that is important." Mullah Muhammed prayed for him and added that "Allah will clear your path." During police questioning, Mullah Muhammed denied knowing Büyükfırat, although Büyükfırat admitted he knew him well and described him as a close family cleric
In contrast, Azerbaijan has left no Armenian stone unturned in Nakhichevan. In 2009, Nakhichevan’s authorities unveiled a new Islamic mausoleum as "the restored eighth-century grave monument of the Prophet Noah" in what was once an Armenian cemetery. They also shutdown most of the region’s numerous privately-owned teahouses, the traditional center of Azerbaijani social life, where discussing politics was as commonplace as indulging in hot tea. Nevsky’s Armenian masons are not acknowledged by the Azerbaijani authorities since, according to their preferred history, Armenians did not exist in Nakhichevan. In contrast, Azerbaijan has left no Armenian stone unturned in Nakhichevan. As French journalists Laure Marchand and Guillaume Perrier explain in Turkey and the Armenian Ghost, "Since the Armenians’ religious heritage was the strongest expression of their ancestral roots, it became a prime target for their oppressors." In absolute numbers, Turkey’s wipeout of Armenian cultural heritage dwarfs Azerbaijan’s recent vandalism in Nakhichevan. Dismissing any criticism as "Armenian propaganda" has been commonplace in Azerbaijan since war gripped South Caucasus in the early 1990s. By the time a fragile Armenian-Azerbaijani ceasefire was signed in 1994, this conflict - the Nagorno-Karabakh war - had scarred the wider region. This act of vandalism is being perpetrated through the involvement of armed forces and employment of anti-tank mines. This includes teachers who took students on field trips to those sites
As French journalists Laure Marchand and Guillaume Perrier explain in Turkey and the Armenian Ghost, "Since the Armenians’ religious heritage was the strongest expression of their ancestral roots, it became a prime target for their oppressors." In absolute numbers, Turkey’s wipeout of Armenian cultural heritage dwarfs Azerbaijan’s recent vandalism in Nakhichevan. The actual number of deaths is still unknown, but around 5,000 Armenians were reportedly killed, and approximately 90,000 were forcibly displaced from their ancestral lands. In 1965, after being taken to a police station for photographing a church near his birthplace, Ayvazyan received a warning from a visiting KGB chief, who treated the teenage offender to tea. Awed by Aylisli’s nostalgia for his birthplace, the Russian journalist traveled to Nakhichevan to see the area with his own eyes. I thought the mass destruction of Armenian monuments in Nakhchivan was a great shame of our nation." Aylisli’s new essay also references a telegram he sent to Azerbaijan’s president in 1997, the year "when that monstrous vandalism had just begun." Aylisili had actually published the text of this telegram in 2011 in a privately released Russian-language book with a circulation of just 50 copies. This act of vandalism is being perpetrated through the involvement of armed forces and employment of anti-tank mines. "The targeting of civilian communities by Azerbaijan is an encroachment on the rights of the civilian population, first of all against the right to life. In 2009, Nakhichevan’s authorities unveiled a new Islamic mausoleum as "the restored eighth-century grave monument of the Prophet Noah" in what was once an Armenian cemetery
According to witnesses, as quoted in Armenian reports, in a three-day operation last December, Azerbaijani soldiers armed with sledgehammers obliterated the remnants of the Djulfa cemetery (known as Jugha in Armenian). He works closely with the Turkish Embassy in Baku. He set up the Union of Muslim Students (Müslüman Talebeler Birliği) and had served as the Caucasus representative of Turkish political Islam grassroots organization Milli Görüş (National View). While some Azerbaijanis have embraced their government’s vandalism as either righteous revenge or a national security measure against potential Armenian territorial claims, other Azerbaijanis - in addition to the humanist author Akram Aylisli - have mourned the destruction. But a newly released book reveals that Aylisli first protested the destruction in Nakhichevan nearly a decade earlier. The ambassador had intended to probe the reported destruction of thousands of historical Medieval Christian Armenian artworks and objects at the necropolis of Djulfa in Nakhichevan. Despite ample testimony to the contrary, Azerbaijan claims that Nakhichevan was never Armenian. However, for 11 days, Azerbaijan did not allow the problem to be assessed and repaired. Büyükfırat kept the phone conversation cryptic and If you loved this article and you would like to receive additional info regarding escort diyarbakır kindly go to the webpage. said he was involved in "major stuff that is important." Mullah Muhammed prayed for him and added that "Allah will clear your path." During police questioning, Mullah Muhammed denied knowing Büyükfırat, although Büyükfırat admitted he knew him well and described him as a close family cleric
In contrast, Azerbaijan has left no Armenian stone unturned in Nakhichevan. In 2009, Nakhichevan’s authorities unveiled a new Islamic mausoleum as "the restored eighth-century grave monument of the Prophet Noah" in what was once an Armenian cemetery. They also shutdown most of the region’s numerous privately-owned teahouses, the traditional center of Azerbaijani social life, where discussing politics was as commonplace as indulging in hot tea. Nevsky’s Armenian masons are not acknowledged by the Azerbaijani authorities since, according to their preferred history, Armenians did not exist in Nakhichevan. In contrast, Azerbaijan has left no Armenian stone unturned in Nakhichevan. As French journalists Laure Marchand and Guillaume Perrier explain in Turkey and the Armenian Ghost, "Since the Armenians’ religious heritage was the strongest expression of their ancestral roots, it became a prime target for their oppressors." In absolute numbers, Turkey’s wipeout of Armenian cultural heritage dwarfs Azerbaijan’s recent vandalism in Nakhichevan. Dismissing any criticism as "Armenian propaganda" has been commonplace in Azerbaijan since war gripped South Caucasus in the early 1990s. By the time a fragile Armenian-Azerbaijani ceasefire was signed in 1994, this conflict - the Nagorno-Karabakh war - had scarred the wider region. This act of vandalism is being perpetrated through the involvement of armed forces and employment of anti-tank mines. This includes teachers who took students on field trips to those sites
As French journalists Laure Marchand and Guillaume Perrier explain in Turkey and the Armenian Ghost, "Since the Armenians’ religious heritage was the strongest expression of their ancestral roots, it became a prime target for their oppressors." In absolute numbers, Turkey’s wipeout of Armenian cultural heritage dwarfs Azerbaijan’s recent vandalism in Nakhichevan. The actual number of deaths is still unknown, but around 5,000 Armenians were reportedly killed, and approximately 90,000 were forcibly displaced from their ancestral lands. In 1965, after being taken to a police station for photographing a church near his birthplace, Ayvazyan received a warning from a visiting KGB chief, who treated the teenage offender to tea. Awed by Aylisli’s nostalgia for his birthplace, the Russian journalist traveled to Nakhichevan to see the area with his own eyes. I thought the mass destruction of Armenian monuments in Nakhchivan was a great shame of our nation." Aylisli’s new essay also references a telegram he sent to Azerbaijan’s president in 1997, the year "when that monstrous vandalism had just begun." Aylisili had actually published the text of this telegram in 2011 in a privately released Russian-language book with a circulation of just 50 copies. This act of vandalism is being perpetrated through the involvement of armed forces and employment of anti-tank mines. "The targeting of civilian communities by Azerbaijan is an encroachment on the rights of the civilian population, first of all against the right to life. In 2009, Nakhichevan’s authorities unveiled a new Islamic mausoleum as "the restored eighth-century grave monument of the Prophet Noah" in what was once an Armenian cemetery
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