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Research question: Explain all the terms in the research question so that they’re clear. You’re likely to have a mass of facts, figures, opinions, observations and ideas but your data is only of value if you systematically interpret your findings to support your research question. As you churn out more and more text without having a system in place for keeping your work in order, safe and secure, you can easily become overwhelmed. Table 2-1 What Am I Most Interested in Researching? Possibly Interested Impossible – Not Interested Interested Chapter 2: Thinking About a Research Question 27 Weigh up the pros and cons of each idea and move the topic from column to column until you have a clear idea which topic you want to choose. You must also have the bibliography and any appendixes catalogued in your contents pages. The purpose of your bibliography or list of references is to give your examiner all the information she needs to track the references down on the library shelves. Rebecca Redfern Thesis 2025.

It’s perfectly possible that you suddenly have a sort of second wind just as you were planning to pack up and you find yourself writing furiously, desperate to capture and not forget your unexpected influx of ideas and moment of clarity. The content of your abstract is important because what you say in your abstract gives the reader the opportunity of judging whether your dissertation is going to be of interest to him. Example 9 is likely to be answered through mainly library-based research, using the non-empirical approach. I suggest in Chapter 2 that basing your dissertation on a module, course, or series of lectures that you particularly enjoyed provides a great starting point for finding a research question. First, you have to determine if the data you’re collecting needs to be quantitative or qualitative. You can then present a little about the context of your work, maybe explaining the background to the study or saying why you think the area is important. Rebecca Redfern Thesis 2025. Before deciding on using interviewing as a way of generating empirical data, you need to think about the advantages and disadvantages of conducting interviews: ✓ Advantages: The flexibility that interviewing allows.

Your comfort zone is a mental construct, not a physical place, but it may be that changing your physical space helps you jolt back into a more effective type of action. Rebecca Redfern Thesis 2025. ✓ Although this has never worked for me, some people swear by it – pouring out on paper the anguish you’re feeling because writer’s block can be your cure! Telling the world what’s making you angry and annoyed can be cathartic. The databases I describe in the section ‘Using databases for finding relevant journal articles’ earlier in the chapter (such as the SSCI and ERIC), are generally reliable, because the material is under peer review. A key advantage of a concept map is that you can modify your listed tasks as you go along without having to completely rewrite your map each time. Part VI The Part of TensIn this part Chapter 8: Generating Your Own Empirical Data 159 When carrying out an observation, mostly you’re looking for hard facts rather than seeking opinions and impressions. It can be very irritating for a supervisor who, after making time to pop into the university purely to collect a student’s work, finds that the work isn’t there. If you happen to be such a student, you’re likely to understand the problems that having dyslexia brings and know about building up strategies for managing your dyslexia, as well as coping with the emotional side of the condition. In an empirical dissertation, a moderately positivist approach involves gathering data about the number of children who are attending for day care and the ratio of children to qualified staff and other care workers. Chapter 16: Organising Your Work Habits 279 It’s easy to lose sight of the overall project if you focus too much on the components. Having highlighted aspects of yourself that make you tick can inspire you to get working on a research topic such as the cost of providing sports facilities in deprived areas or the particular needs of newly arriving immigrants.

If you’ve done the proper checks, you should be fine. You won’t get extra marks – you’re going to get marks deducted. (In Chapter 17 you can find some information about tackling these situations and facing up to difficulties. Here’s an example of a typical record sheet used for an observation being carried out of an adult learning workshop in an art gallery. You can also mention here any very significant aspects of these, such as sample size, or the timescale of your work, but only where these aspects are of particular significance; remember that this is a summary of the dissertation. Table 9-1 Strategy for Restarting Your Dissertation Original plan Problem Strategy Questionnaire No response Interview Interviews No access Library research Observation No ethical clearance Use published case studies Email survey Technical Paper-based questionnaire Whatever problem you’re having with your dissertation, you MUST contact your supervisor. Rebecca Redfern Thesis 2025. The student’s methodology proved to be just right for her dissertation: brought to life by addressing the topic through the children’s eyes.

Tutor: There’s enough material here for a couple of dissertations! Student: How do you mean? Tutor: Well, you’d have to be careful how you manage the anonymity of the teenagers, and make sure that any criticism is constructive, but don’t you think it would be interesting to see whether there are any studies tackling the problems faced by the centre? Following this conversation, the student had plenty of ideas on expanding the topic and I only gave a few prompts – to get the stu- dent to specify the age group she was interested in, a couple for some more detail, and to encourage her to rethink her initial deci- sion of abandoning studying the centre because her experience there had been negative. Also remember to hide the names of schools, hospitals, specific departments or organisations you’ve been allowed to review where there are any potentially sensitive issues. Morse, Law and Order (Spring, 2001) ✓ The vital role of the helmet in empowering the police, by G. Rebecca Redfern Thesis 2025.
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The idea of one external reality is challenged. Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and historical memory in American politics’, Journal of American Studies, 31, (2), 171–203. Ask your supervisor about the practical issues relating to your dissertation only if you’ve exhausted all other avenues. Unless you’re a psychology student, or someone who did stats at GCSE or A-level, it’s perfectly possible that you’ve got through your degree so far without needing to do a course on statistics. It’s a fairly common error in dissertations to find that students give away their subjects’ identities in the additional material and I suspect it’s because students leave dealing with the appendixes and additional material until the last moment. You may be passionate about the area you’ve chosen to study for your dissertation, but avoid overstating the importance of your work.

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